- Determine the investment strategy that meets your personal financial goals; and
- Decide how you wish member benefits and member death benefits be paid.
Choose your own investments (e.g. property, direct shares, managed funds);
Access a range of insurance policies and insurance providers; and
Transfer assets into the fund, if you wish.
Tax benefits
Benefit from imputation credits from franked dividends;
Gain valuable tax concessions, pre-and post-retirement;
Respond promptly to legislative changes;
Your contributions may be taxed at concessional rates; and
0% income and capital gains tax for pension funds (up to generous government limits).
Fixed costs don’t increase as your fund grows; and
Manage your fees by careful management of investments.
The information on this webpage contains factual information and / or the opinions of Hood Sweeney Pty Ltd (trading as Hood Sweeney Accounting & Business Advisory). You should obtain professional advice before acting on any information on this website. You can contact us on: T 1300 764 200, F (08) 8232 1968, E, Address: 11-16 South Terrace Adelaide SA 5000, Postal address: PO Box 10516 Adelaide BC SA 5000.