How Hood Sweeney can make you the master of your own destiny.
Hood Sweeney is your one-stop self-managed super shop with integrated SMSF services. Our self-managed superannuation accounting team oversees the establishment, taxation and compliance, while strategic financial advice is delivered by our Financial Planners through Hood Sweeney Securities Pty Ltd (Australian Financial Services Licence No. 220897).
With Hood Sweeney, the first thing to know is that ‘self-managed’ doesn’t mean you have to run it all by yourself. Our dedicated SMSF team will be beside you every step of the journey.
For instance, we closely monitor the regulators and we’ll swiftly alert you of any rule changes, so you can respond accordingly and, where possible, benefit as soon as possible.
For your absolute peace of mind, your SMSF is independently audited, ensuring that your fund is always compliant with the relevant laws and regulations.
And all along the way, we’ll work with you to make sure your SMSF provides a flexible and tax-efficient retirement and estate-planning structure, suited to your specific requirements and personal financial goals.
Six Steps Away
The bottom line
From all of this, it would be easy to think that an SMSF is just too hard. And it could be, if you take the ‘self-managed’ part of the name totally to heart.
But with the help of our dedicated SMSF Team at Hood Sweeney, you'll have the best of both worlds: you'll retain total control over your financial destiny without becoming a slave to running it.