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Self-Managed Superannuation Funds

Drive your own destiny by taking control of one of your largest financial assets.

For many of our clients, superannuation represents the largest financial asset and the key to how comfortable and worry-free retirement will be.

It also happens to be one of the most tax-effective and flexible retirement investment vehicles. So, it pays for them to know where their super is headed and how to manage it effectively.

One way is to take control of it yourself with a self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF). As its name implies, it’s owned and operated by you.

So, instead of simply paying into a large retail or industry super fund, you become the trustee/s of your own fund and make all its investment decisions.

It’s not that uncommon, either.

In fact, SMSFs now account for around 30% of all super assets in Australia.

Lead Adviser

Get in touch

Get in touch with Hood Sweeney to see how we can help your organisation or call us now on 1300 764 200

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