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Technology Promotion to Associate

Manning Bailey, a Technical Relationship Manager in Hood Sweeney’s Technology business, has been promoted to Associate level.

Manning began at Hood Sweeney as an engineer in 2016 before moving into the Technical RM role in 2019. As a Technical RM, he provides solutions and advice to help clients with their technical issues, and helps businesses grow and reach their goals through technology.

The Technical RM role, one of the points of difference of Hood Sweeney’s Technology arm, means the people managing client relationships are also hands-on technology specialists.

Growing the client base in Technology, scoping and solution architecture, cybersecurity and data management are also part of Manning’s job, and he is particularly interested in Cloud solutions.

Manning said seeing businesses achieve their objectives with the help of technology is one of the most satisfying parts of his role.

“Technology has moved into a really exciting phase with improvements to cloud technology, AI and Automation, and being promoted to Associate means that I can play a key role in driving these improvements in our client base,” said Manning.

“I am very fortunate at Hood Sweeney to have some incredible mentors, and now as I progress with my career, I look forward to having the same impact on those around me as I was fortunate to receive,” he said.

Outside of work, Manning is married with two children, and is a fan of the Adelaide Crows and Farmers Union Iced Coffee.

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