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AMA SA Member Discounts

As the preferred provider of accounting and financial planning services* for the AMA SA, we are pleased to provide exclusive discounted rates to AMA SA members.

AMA SA Membership Discounts

Free first tax return and consult with financial planning*
50% discount on subsequent returns

1-5 years postgraduate (Doctors in Training)

Free First Tax Return
20% discount on subsequent returns
20% discount on establishment of SMSF
50% discount on FP SOA*

Ordinary (all other classifications)

10% on accounting services
20% discount on establishment of a new self-managed superannuation fund (excludes legal fees)
20% discount on initial Financial Planning Statement of Advice*

Life & Retired

10% on accounting services
20% discount on establishment of a new self-managed superannuation fund (excludes legal fees)
20% discount on initial Financial Planning Statement of Advice
Plus a complimentary financial health check product

Contact or phone 1300 764 200 for further information.

*Services provided by Hood Sweeney Securities Pty Ltd, AFSL No 220897, ABN No 40 081 455 165

Get in touch

Get in touch with Hood Sweeney to see how we can help your organisation or call us now on 1300 764 200

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